Graphic Design Gallery


Created as a part of a larger piece, this became so strong that it deserved it's own place in the gallery.


Class lesson in porportions by creating miniatures of our classmates and creativity utilizing them for mini activites or completely as some other object.

Mini Breaker Mechanic

Class lesson in porportions by creating miniatures of our classmates and creativity utilizing them for mini activites or completely as some other object.

Cure Crusaders Logo

T-Shirt logo contest for marathon event sponsored by the Foundation for Fighting Blindness. This poster is the winning piece that was submitted for selection.

Team Crusaders Poster

Same T-Shirt contest as mentioned before, but this one was a collaborative effort that another student and I put together.

Kira Photo Touchup

Extreme photo touchup which includes alterations to lips, eyes, nose, skin and background to create a completely new image.

Lebraun James Morph

Lebraun James image that was morphed together to give him the skin texture of a basketball. Background completely altered to give it a posterly type feel.

Xenia Touchup

Lots of things going on here, from alterations to overall facial features, hair, and dramatic background blending, lighting, and replacements to create an exotic type feel.

The Battleship

Not trying to make a political statement here. This was class assignment to merge images that relate to each other together. The title that appears in larger view is completely for comic relief on the image's general idea.

George Lucas

The man! This was class lesson on using displacement maps, so why not have George tatt'd up with Star Wars! Seemed appropriate to me, hope you think so too.